

Freelancer VS Odesk The world has had tremendous growth in terms of technology. The introduction of the internet particularly has had a significant impact in socializing, business management, education, communication as well as improving the ability for a person to earn an honest income. Presently, the number of people engaging in online work is increasing. This is because the freelancing business has had a positive impact on the people who engage in it. Evidence shows that people are able to generate a stable income that is more than they would have in a normal and formal employment. Numerous organizations give…
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PAYMENT BENEFITS OF INTEGRATING PAYONEER, SKRILL AND PAYPAL E- Commerce is in the record high transactions of millions of dollars that happen every day through various online shopping platforms and they are possible with these payment gateways for websites.   If you are hiring staff around the world who you might have faced the problem of how to really pay. There are various methods or applications for efficient and reliable payments. These  methods provide you with one easy platform with online web interface through which you manage all account activity, you can easily integrate these payment gateways for websites. Today…
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Freelancer to a successful Entrepreneur!

Many independent part-time workers (freelancer) have successfully switching to business owners full time, but How to shift from a freelancer to a successful entrepreneur is a hard nut to crack, below is the description how you can be counted amongst the most successful entrepreneurs that shifted from a freelancer. Freelance part-time is a great way to use your skills and talents, meet your business aspirations and make certain extra money. Though many part-time workers are content to keep their side just that line, others convert their free concert in a full-time career. The key to the effective transition from the…
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HOW to Bring the Motivation for Writing Phenomenol Everyday

Motivation for writing and interest about your vision, your desire, your aim, give you oomph and a capability to do what others can do, but won’t do. Writing requires commitment, self-discipline, and desire. Do not let other distractions in the way of his time writing goals aside every day to write. Right brain. Right time There is some time of the day when you are naturally more capricious, more in tune with your inner being or imaginative? First thing in the morning? The last night? Just after his morning yoga? Immediately after his lunchtime jog? Sitting at hockey practice your child? If there is…
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4 Actionable tips to Win Better freelance clients and avoid the Fake ones

“The Sand dilutes the water however also filters it”. Win better freelance clients and black-bagging the fake ones seems a tough ask for Freelancers nowadays. Most of the famous portals like Elance, and up work are facing the difficulty of reviewing jobs that are so intelligently created to get through the review and bringing the promotion to the workforce. That’s a worry for all: The Portal interface, the genuine clients and the freelancers. So, by reviewing the trends going on today, I have listed these 4 actionable tips to Win Better freelance clients and avoid the Fake ones: Dig…
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Why Sales Marketing Stories are Best Lessons for Freelancers

Sales marketing more or less is enticing clients and that makes it synonymous to freelancing and best lessons for Freelancers. It’s completely justified, Keep the chrome shining and it will buy buyers for you”. Just like this saying makes the rule book entry, it also holds true for freelancing businesses. Whether you are the one, who can create magic functions, content and design on screen, you wish you had the talent of “Selling” the magic Better. That’s why, knowing to market your skills is the most profitable asset in freelancing and in next 10 minutes, I will try to point…
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How Online Employment is helping Indian Economy

If you are waiting for the “Acche Din” promise of BJP to come true for a better job, you need to bell a door less visited and that is online employment and Jobs. Online jobs are flooded on internet today, with major chunks of freelancer, upwork, elance and work n hire databases. The method is certainly not only restricted to making money now. This gives numerous benefits over working in a full time hired environment. Increased freelance demands from major MNCs and even government agencies has happened due to their ability to think independently and working more professionally.
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Real Emotions of Freelancers: From Developers to Designers

While I perpetually instruct my head at 6:30 everyday to wake-up and get ready for office, these bunch of geeks in my neighborhood never seem to wake up, till I leave. I don’t know from where do they get so much of money without doing a real job, but one thing they do better, is not working under a boss or I should say a single long term boss. I hate them, simply because I have become autonomous and they are working reflexive. So, one day I decided to pay a visit to them.
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5 Things you should avoid as a Freelancer

  No matter what unique job, you have picked up to make a freelance living, there is one thread common to every freelancer i.e. how well one handles a client. According to recent research made by Emmy Hayer (Development Head at FSPL) on 100 Client profiles and their feedbacks, most of the clients leave their freelancers due to their inability to understand the project or making false promises for deadlines. That’s why, i compiled this list of 5 things to avoid as a freelancer while interacting with a Client. Sarcasm /’sɑ:kæzəm
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Freelancing 2.0: Enhanced Tools, Connect Fast, End to End Business

Even Barak Obama is happy with this growing trend. Freelancing has transformed itself in the last half a decade not only in the US, but in all the internet age nations. Whether you call it susceptibility and anxiety of today’s generation towards a regular job or the will to go upfront as an entrepreneur, they are helping freelancing graph to take the steep leap. With online hiring going up to 32% in June of 2015, (according to India Times), the flow will never go cold anytime soon, aided by a fast growing community. Let’s look at what fascinates the today’s…
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