Anything on the internet can be modified, deleted or added simply using CSS   Web design includes many different skills and the restraints on the production and the maintenance of the websites. CSS is used to design the website and writing and telling the images to be in a particular place, like a picture on the top of the page, another in the centre, etc. There are many CSS frameworks used to develop web applications like Sass and LESS. Both are based CSS frameworks, but the complexity of the application by these frames are different. Each of these frames is…

Anything on the internet can be modified, deleted or added simply using CSS


Web design includes many different skills and the restraints on the production and the maintenance of the websites. CSS is used to design the website and writing and telling the images to be in a particular place, like a picture on the top of the page, another in the centre, etc. There are many CSS frameworks used to develop web applications like Sass and LESS. Both are based CSS frameworks, but the complexity of the application by these frames are different. Each of these frames is suitable for various web application development.

If you’re a web developer or designer probably you face this kind of situation before:

“I wonder if we should use the different theme on our website, we can try a blue instead of the current green?”

2 possible answers:

  • A pure CSS developer: “Damn … Can you back in 15 minutes?”
  • Less CSS developer: “Sure Wait a second … Done, look!”…

Well, LESS is kind of another style sheet language. “Kind of” because you will develop using the LESS language, but in the finish, it’s compiled to the pure CSS so that browsers can read it. LESSCSS per-processor offers additional advantages over the traditional CSS by providing extra syntax that help the web designers or the web developers to reduce the repetitive coding. Although, there are numerous CSS per-processors offered on the market, most of the web designers or the web developers favor using LESS, as it permits real-time compilation via LESS.js using the standard web browser.

  • LESS is highly dynamic style sheet language.
  • LESS allows developers to write LESS code with the same semantics.
  • LESSCSS can be used by anyone, with any languages, or just plain HTML website
  • LESS allows higher-level style syntax, which permits web designers or the web developers to make the advanced CSS.
  • LESS preprocessor simply compiles into the standard CSS, before the web browser starts interpreting the web page.
  • Compiled CSS files can be effortlessly uploaded to the production web server.

Why use less css in web-designing

Source:- http://www.evoketechnologies.com/blog/less-css-preprocessor-web-developers/

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